Adamsz Circus


Animation (looped) and drawings

About Adamsz Circus

Animation and drawings inpired by freak shows. Freak shows used to provide a place of relative safety for the physically or mentally handicapped. As a rule, it was a method of survival. How do we treat handicapped people in our society nowadays? To what extent are they judged on their limitations, or considered entertainment? The idea for Adamz circus originates from these observations. The animation examines the role of the audience.




The tallest man on earth was an in-law of my grandmother. According to my grandmother he was 8 feet tall, but according to the postcard he would have been 9’ 3”. He worked as a vaudeville performer in the Netherlands, Germany, England, and the United States.

  • The world’s highest man meets the British Prime Minister
  • The world’s highest man meets the British Prime Minister

My grandfather’s grandfather entertained the military with a selfmade act. In the hanging rings, he would carry another man by his teeth, using a self-constructed bridle bit with a hook. Below is a picture of this object and a picture of the man in action.

  • Hook
  • Hook


  • Still from <cite class='work'>Adamsz Circus</cite>
  • Still from <cite class='work'>Adamsz Circus</cite>
  • Still from <cite class='work'>Adamsz Circus</cite>
  • Still from <cite class='work'>Adamsz Circus</cite>


  • WijNomaden Kunstroute Beuningen, Winssen, 2007