- [a href="/en/illustration/commissioned/kcg-watch-travel-write"]more info...[/a]
Watch, travel, write
KCG Gelders Kenniscentrum voor kunst en cultuur
- Illustration to an article in Ars Aequi, legal monthly | [a href="/en/illustration/commissioned/ars-aequi-anne-frank-is-mine"]more info...[/a]
Anne Frank is mine
Ars Aequi
- Illustration to an article in Ars Aequi, legal monthly | [a href="/en/illustration/commissioned/ars-aequi-on-the-future-of-legal-education"]more info...[/a]
On the future of legal education
Ars Aequi
- Illustration to an article in Ars Aequi, legal monthly | [a href="/en/illustration/commissioned/ars-aequi-see-no-evil-hear-no-evil-speak-no-evil"]more info...[/a]
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
Ars Aequi
- [a href="/en/other/zwerfhond"]more info...[/a]
Zwerfhond: Wachten op verdronken baas
Album cover design
- Illustration to an article in Ars Aequi, legal monthly | [a href="/en/illustration/commissioned/ars-aequi-consular-help"]more info...[/a]
“Kan de minister niet even bellen?” (“Can’t the Minister call?”)
Ars Aequi
- Screen print, 70 × 50 cm, edition 35 | [a href="/en/projects/tokyo-creatures"]more info...[/a]
Screen print, 70 × 50 cm, edition 35
- Screen print, 50 × 70 cm, edition 35 | [a href="/en/projects/tokyo-creatures"]more info...[/a]
Human Doll
Screen print, 50 × 70 cm, edition 35
- Screen print, 70 × 50 cm, edition 35 | [a href="/en/projects/tokyo-creatures"]more info...[/a]
Screen print, 70 × 50 cm, edition 35
- Screen print, 70 × 50 cm, edition 35 | [a href="/en/projects/tokyo-creatures"]more info...[/a]
Screen print, 70 × 50 cm, edition 35
- [a href="/en/projects/tokyo-creatures"]more info...[/a]
Tokyo Dog #01
- [a href="/en/projects/tokyo-creatures"]more info...[/a]
Tokyo Dog #02
- [a href="/en/illustration/sketchbook/bea"]more info...[/a]
- [a href="/en/illustration/sketchbook/crafty-heron"]more info...[/a]
Crafty heron
- [a href="/en/illustration/sketchbook/j-and-c"]more info...[/a]
J and C
- [a href="/en/illustration/sketchbook/the-art-of-parenting"]more info...[/a]
The art of parenting
- [a href="/en/illustration/sketchbook/soaked-mouse"]more info...[/a]
Soaked mouse
- [a href="/en/illustration/sketchbook/ketamine-rabbit"]more info...[/a]
Ketamine rabbit